Best FHA Loan For First Time Home Buyer
incomes or credit scores.
Home ownership is a right you deserve
Lower income families may have trouble qualifying for a home, but that doesn’t make it impossible. If you’re struggling to save up for your down payment or you haven’t established more than two lines of credit, an FHA loan may be a good option for you. You can find the best FHA loan for the first-time home buyer you can trust.
What is an FHA Loan?
The Federal Housing Authority (FHA) offers loans that require low downpayments. As well, you may be eligible even if you have a lower credit score. The exact requirements vary by state, but they’re designed to help people who need more time to pay down their loan.
Do I Qualify for an FHA Loan?
Although FHA loans are designed for people who have trouble qualifying for a normal loan, there are still requirements you need to meet. The biggest one is ensuring you’re able to pay down current debts, but your credit score will also be taken into account. Bausley Home Loans & Realty will help you determine if you’re eligible for an FHA loan.
Why work with a broker?
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Great Value
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At Bausley Home Loans & Realty, we help people buy their dream home. Let’s help you buy yours.
Don’t trust bankers to tell you all your lending options. Work with someone who has your needs in mind.